Week 2:
Installed NGINX Ingress controller on local desktop
- deployed NGINX on desktop
Learnt shell scripts and linux scripts by referring to code
- practiced shell scripting on local desktop environment
Learnt about what is YAML & basics of creating Kubernetes objects, pods, and deployments using YAML
- Built Kubernetes development environment
- Installed Kubectl
After getting access to Azure portal -
Prepared sample application for AKS.. clone source from GitHub, using source; test on local environment.
- Installed the Azure CLI, deployed AKS cluster using CLI
- Created an Ingress-nginx controller in Azure Kubernetes Service, practiced with setting up in Azure environment
- Installed HPCC on Azure, error occurred, helm install with “-f” required additional file which was not on the local system. Ran git-clone, then re-installed with helm.
Week 3:
This week’s goals were to cover basic Ingress features: using TLS, authentication with username and password, and test NGINX features through annotations.
- I created a Github project for Ingress Configuration to begin documentation of tasks I did this week and will continue adding to for next week
- I learned the basic functions of nano text editor I can use it to edit files
- I deployed a YAML file to use for Ingress and for testing basic NGINX features through annotations
- Created an Ingress rule with Basic username and password authentication, and applied it to the eclwatch web site.
- After creating and applying the application, create a password file, create a configuration file for the secret, then generate the secret:
- Tried NGINX feature rewrite, using rewrite-target annotation:
- Used HTTP application routing, connected to AKS cluster